O Nas - Rodzinny Park Rozrywki Rabkoland

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Rabkoland to największy Park Rozrywki dla Dzieci w Małopolsce.

O Nas - Rodzinny Park Rozrywki Rabkoland w Małopolsce

Jesteśmy parkiem wypełnionym atrakcjami dla maluszków, przedszkolaków i uczniaków – przede wszystkim od 1 do 10 roku życia.

Najmłodsi znajdą się tu w krainie fantazji, zamieszkanej przez zwariowanych bohaterów, gdzie na każdym kroku czeka wielka przygoda!

W sześciu strefach tematycznych czeka na Was ponad 35 atrakcji. Już w Strefie Wejścia zaczyna się zabawa – a dalej jest tylko lepiej! W Góralskiej Dżungli przywita Was krokodyl Oskar, Helmut Wąsidło zaprosi do Cyrku Luna, a owce iRenki wraz z Krucabombą zapewnią rozrywkę w Machinarium. W Wiosce Wikingów spotkają Was nie tylko morskie przygody, a Pan Trzmiel zaopiekuje się maluszkami w swojej ukwieconej Dolinie.

Carousels, roller coasters, boats, cars, interactive playgrounds and climbing frames - many hours of fun and joy await children and parents. Remember - there are no limits here! You can use all attractions at will and as many times as you like, at an affordable price for a full-day ticket. Season tickets are also available so that you can have fun with us every single day!

While parents can enjoy most of the attractions with their kids, you won't find extreme adult-only rides here. Thanks to this, kids do not have to play between groups of much older youth. The short distances between the attractions mean that small legs do not get tired while taking long walks. Parents will also find plenty of seating, from benches to cafes, from which they can watch older children play on their own.   

Rabkoland's great pride is the design of the park, inspired by its surroundings: the beauty of nature and local culture. Rabkoland is filled with greenery and flowers. The decorations, themes and wooden attractions were created by local artists, woodcarvers and carpenters, who base their profession on highlander traditions.

If you get hungry while having fun in Rabkoland, you can choose meals, snacks and sweets in one of the 7 dining options. A wide selection of delicacies await you: from gluten-free and vegan soups or a home-made two-course dinner, through delicious sausage with french fries, to pancakes with lots of whipped cream and fruit.

We would not be the best Amusement Park for Children without our famous events. The Polish Bubble Gum Blowing Championships, Dancing Bumblebee Valley, Children's Day - in Rabkoland every occasion is a good occasion good to celebrate. During the events, in addition to unlimited attractions, artists and animators are waiting for you to ensure kids have fun during concerts and workshops. Every day you can see a performance at the Gadzooks Theatre and a magic show at the Theatre of Magic and Illusion.

You can get to Rabkoland by car, train or bus. If you choose to come by car, free parking lots are available for you.

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